Saturday, 16 May 2015

OUGD603. Extended Practice. Secret 7" Competition Brief. Evaluation.

i really enjoyed developing and producing my design for submission to the competition and i feel as though i got a lot out of it.

i was able to develop my drawing skills, in particular with the use of biro pen which is something i havent done in a while.

i really like diana ross and the supremes and the whole motown movement and was particularly interested in this track because of its connection to the psychedellic rock movement.

i also developed my digital design skills including the use of photoshop and illustrator. furthermore i was able to consider the use of colour and layout in a critically applicable setting. this is something i enjoyed as the design must relate to the artist and track and so i was able to consider the culrutal relevance of the colours applied to the era and movement.

overall i think i answered the brief well and produced an aesthetically interesting and original track that worked in line with the brief, artist, and track. the competitoon is something that i will likely do again bevause it is fun and for a good cause.

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