unfortuantely we did not win the brief and so did not get the chance to actually develop and produce the yearbook or end of year show campaings. i was not disheartened however because i had fun doing this brief and am really proud of the concept i came up with.
i think it works really well and fits every consideration and aspect of the college and its courses and so i am pleased that i came up with this. i have definitely developed my concept generation skills and have recognised how it importnant to pull in influence and ideas from all around you and that its how you make the relation between things and how you recognise their fit and quality.
i imporved my illustration skills and my illustrator skills also and was able to develop a semi-complex layout with success and clarity.
next time i would consider revising the colour scheme as i think it was striking and well contrasting but could have been more aesthetically attractive. possibly the application of a range of turquoises and oranges would work.
overall i enjoyed this brief and i think we worked well as a group.
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