Saturday, 8 November 2014

OUGD603. Extended Practice. Tutorial/Crit with Danny.

on the 14th of october i met with danny in studio 4 for an informal crib concerning the progression of my extended practice briefs. i hadn't previously met danny but got on well with him and felt like i came away with some good ideas.

i started by explaining the climbing infographic brief which is a redo of the second year one. i showed him the blog posts of the final outcomes and he thought that what i had produced was good but not extensive enough. i explained that this was the reason for redoing it and he was encouraged by my enthusiasm and drive. he suggested:

- a digital platform to accompany the printed infographics. this would appease the modern day and make the data more accessible to climbers in the field.

- consider what i want to tell the audience - this should dictate the design formats the outcomes will take. 

- keep the infographics visual as bouldering is a visually based sport. consider using colour schemes appropriate to climbing paraphernalia.

we then went on to talk about my calligraphy publication brief and what my direction was. he told me about a radio station dedicated to talking about type. he told me to listen to the gottfried pott talk on type radio.

- clarity in teaching is the key to success. the audiences understanding of the contents fully dictates the publications success. 

- involve a geographic separation of calligraphic practices into the publication for separation. it would also be good to include a historical aspect to the publication to give some background understanding and context. 

i think the crib was really useful and danny gave me some good ideas and visual contexts to consider. he put me onto some good artists and helped me hone in on the paths for the briefs discussed.

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